It is a tradition for me to get out and ride the first day of the new year. It is the perfect way to set the precedent for the rest of the year. James Billiter, Jake and I (Amanda) met out at England-Idlewild, Ky.
We were all a bit slow to get out there after an evening of celebrating at Palominos in Cincinnati, Ohio. We watched Travis Prastrana jump a bay onto a barge, enjoyed some fireworks, a new years kiss then headed home. So far 2010 is shaping up to be a great year.

The trails stayed frozen throughout the ride and fortunatly we did not. I am looking forward to a lot of great riding with friends this year!
1/9/2010 10:32:17 pm

I have a bunch of photos of Flickr of James from the OVCX series but didn't know his name. Now I do.


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