With Amanda and I still in STL and Tim hard at work on bikes for the NAHBS i thought i'd give an update on some Xmas presents.  While i did get more than i asked for and one of the most exciting things i got was a very nice pull saw that will work excellent for trail maintenance out at the park, my sister got the best present of all.  Shown here:   
If you're like me, and dread going to sleep or getting up because of the painful inconvenience of getting that god-awful stuff out of that tube, then this little device is a real blessing.  I mean, i work all day.  I shouldn't have to squeeze my own tooth paste too. 

All kidding aside though, it actually works pretty well.  I'd like to see how it actually does get that last drop out of the tube though. 
Pam V
1/1/2010 11:36:52 pm

Pam Virostko
1/1/2010 11:38:51 pm

I hiked around one of Uncle Jim's fields yesterday! I was glad for every layer I had on!! Stay warm and watch out for the ice patches. I found out leaves can be slippery!!!!
Have fun!

Laura Jo
1/1/2010 11:56:57 pm

Yes. I would agree that the tooth paste dispenser is the greatest gift ever. Just think it is the present that gives every day, at least twice a day.


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